Company Accounts | Video Tutorial - Dashboard of Book, Question and Answer, Quiz, Tests

Company Accounts

01 Company

Company, Types of Company, Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Books of Accounts.

02 Share Capital

Shares of Company, Share Capital, Issue of Shares at Par, Shares Issue at Premium, Shares Issue at Discount, Calls on Share, Pro-rata Allotment, Forfeiture of Shares, Reissue of Forfeited Share,

 03 Preference Shares

Preference Shares, Redemption of Preference Share, Utilisation of Reserve for Redemption,

 04 Debentures

Debenture, Types of Debenture, Debentures Issue against Cash, Issue of Debentures in instalments, Issue of Debentures at Discount, Debentures Issued for consideration other than cash, Debenture Issued as Collateral Security, Debenture Interest.

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