Business Law - Negotiable Instruments Act

Negotiable Instruments Act 1881

Negotiable Instrument, Characteristics of Negotiable instrument, Presumptions applicable in Negotiable Instruments, Types of Negotiable Instruments, Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange, Cheque, Classification of Negotiable Instruments, Maturity and days of grace, Payment, Rights of Person liable to Pay, Payment in due course, Interest on Bills and Notes

Capacity of Parties, Parties to Negotiable instrument, Holder, Holder in Due Course, Liability of Parties to Negotiable Instrument

Transfer by Negotiation, Assignment, Indorsement, Instruments obtained by unlawful means

Kinds of Presentment, Presentment for Acceptance, Presentment for sight, Presentment for Payment

Dishonour of an Instrument, Notice of Dishonour, Duties of the Holder upon dishonor, Noting, Protest, Compensation, Dishounour of Cheques 

Modes of Discharge of an Instrument, Discharge of liabilities Parties, Material Alteration, Rules of Evidence, Estoppel and International Law

Kinds of Hundies, Types of Hundies

Banker, Customer, Rights and Obligations of Banker, Dishonour of cheque, Protection of paying Banker, Protection of Collecting Banker, Duties of Collecting Banker 

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