Indian Economy | Video Tutorial - Dashboard of Book, Question and Answer, Quiz, Tests

Indian Economy

Indian Economy - Complete Video Tutorials, Books, Question & Answer, Quiz, Tests

Here is a list of links to Video Playlists of INDIAN ECONOMY, aligned as per dVIDYA Video Tutorials – the On-line FREE Tutorial Course.  Click the chapter link to play the Playlist of a series of Videos, covering complete syllabus & course on Indian Economy, for CBSE/ICSE/State Board, Foundation Courses of CA/ CMA/ CS, Management Courses.

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Underdeveloped Economy, Developing Economy, Mixed Economy, GINI Index
Agriculture, Agricultural Productivity, Agricultural Marketing, Land Reforms, Industrialisation, Service Sector
Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product, Commodity-Service Method, Incomes Received Method, Consumption-Savings Method, National Income Analysis
Direct Tax, Indirect Tax, Canons of Tax
Population Growth, Population Metrics
Poverty Metrics, Poverty In India, Poverty Line
Unemployment problem in India, Reasons of Unemployment, Eradication of Unemployment
Energy Sector, Railways, Road Transport, Inland Water Transport, Shipping, Airways, Telecommunication, Postal Services, Education
Causes of Inflation, Effects of Inflation, Inflation Control Measures, Deflation
Budget Receipts, Budget Expenditures, Capital Expenditure, Revenue Expenditure, Budget Deficit, Deficit Financing, Government Borrowings.
Functions of Central Bank, Developmental Functions of Central Bank, Monetary Policy, Credit Control, Qualitative Credit Control, Quantitative Credit Control
Industrial Sector Reforms, External Sector Reforms, Fiscal Policy

14 Commercial Bank

Credit Creation by Commercial Bank, Nationalisation of Commercial Bank

Privatisation, Disinvestment, Globalisation, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organisation, World Bank

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